West Essex Regional High School Athletics

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Mission Statement:

“Dedicated to academic excellence and social responsibility”

The mission of West Essex Regional School District is to produce self-sufficient citizens who are adaptable to change and who possess the self-esteem, motivation and skills:

  • To continue life-long learning and individual growth
  • To meet the challenges of the future, both societal and technological
  • To think critically and creatively
  • To communicate effectively
  • To solve complex problems
  • To make responsible decisions, and
  • To respect cultural differences

Clearly focused quality educational experiences will be provided that promotes excellence through an active and responsible partnership with the community, a visionary and innovative curriculum, and a dedicated and knowledgeable staff.

Vision Statement:

Our students will achieve excellence not only on the field of competition, but in the classroom and in life.  Our Physical education/health and coaching staff will foster a culture of teamwork, sportsmanship, and personal growth. Together, West Essex will produce well-rounded, resilient and disciplined young adults who embody the principles of leadership, integrity and community.